Saturday, March 25, 2006

The beggining

Below is the first post I wrote when this blog started in another address... I like it, and the philosophy behind any post I write is still the same... I still post what I like, whether is chocolate related or not, so I decided to start in this new home with the same message: I'm a chocaholic, and I like it!

First post in the old chocaholic's blog:

"Just to let you know (you being any person who ever decides to take time to read any piece of this blog), that I created it not only to talk about addiction to chocolat, but also to write whatever I want/ need/ feel like/ etc/ etc.... Some things might be true, others will probably be fiction, and since you don't know what is true or fiction.... better not use these contents for any other purpose rather than pure entertainment!!!

So, the only identified as a true statement in this blog is: "I'm a chocaholic, and I like it!" :o)


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